Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator

Calculate percentages with our easy-to-use percentage calculator.

What is
% of ?

Total when adding:
Total when subtracting:

is what percent of


What is the percentage increase/decrease
to ?



Our free online percentage calculator is designed to help you calculate percentages quickly and easily. Whether you need to find the percentage of a number, the percentage between two numbers, or the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers, our user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to get quick results and is perfect for a variety of everyday uses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a percentage?

A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100 and is a way of expressing a part or proportion of a whole, where the whole is considered to be 100%.

For example, if a student gets 88 out of 100 in an exam, we can express this as a percentage by dividing 88 by 100 and multiplying by 100, which gives us 88. This means that the student scored 88% in the exam.

Why do we use percentages?

We use percentages because they are a convenient way of expressing a proportion or a part of a whole as a fraction of 100. They allow us to easily compare and understand relationships between different quantities, express changes in values, and make meaningful comparisons.

What are some examples of everyday percentage use?

Some common examples include calculating sales tax or tips at a restaurant or store, or determining the discount on a sale item when you're shopping for a great deal. However you use it, this percentage calculator is a handy tool to help you make decisions.